Preparing to Outsource Sales

There are a lot of companies out there today that do outsourced sales, but few are outsourced sales specialists. If you are looking to increase sales, you must decide as a business if you want to hire your own sales force or look to an outsourced sales solution. When looking to increase sales, sales outsourcing is a natural option – but one that you must prepare for and think about carefully. If you have decided on the outsourced sales route, congratulations – but now your work is just beginning.

There are many merits of outsourcing telesales. Because we focus almost exclusively on inside sales, you will enjoy a wider distribution coverage and relatively speedy profits. We as an outsourced sales firm are up and running and ready to go – we have the lead generation tools, we have the lists, the resources, the people, and the sales expertise to get up to speed quickly. This is invaluable when sales outsourcing for a small business or a start-up.

While it may not seem like it – sales outsourcing can also save you money. While we are by no means a “low cost” solution, often times in the long run we will save you money. Recruiting alone is an incredibly laborious, costly and, if you are not good at it, fruitless labor – which we as outsourced sales specialists will take care of for you. In addition, training in-house can also be cost prohibitive – and this is another area in which a sales outsourcing firm excels. In addition to these costs, infrastructure, computers, software, phones…etc. all add significant cost – whereas with an outsourced sales firm, you get all of this for one monthly rate.

One aspect that makes us different from other sales outsourcing companies is the fact that we do pay our salespeople base salaries. We firmly believe that when it comes to sales you “get what you pay for” and we have taken over for many of our clients who had previously attempted and failed at the 100% commission sales models. Our salaries, however, are not high – and our inside sales teams are commission driven and therefore motivated to sell.

When hiring an outsourced sales company you must be incredibly prudent – as many have sprung up in recent years that do not have the qualifications, skill or merit to be successful outsourced sales solutions. Look for an outsourced sales company that has been in business for 5 years, and has worked with many different products and companies with good results.

The salespeople at the outsourced sales company should also resemble people you would hire yourself. We would strongly encourage anyone looking to outsource their sales force to visit the outsourced sales company and spend a day or two learning about the business, their people, their clients and their culture. These are all elements that are crucial to your sales campaign. We are proud to say our deals are closed the minute prospects come to our office and meet our inside sales team.

Much thought must go into hiring a successful outsourced sales company, but with a little work and effort, you will find the right partner for you – and sales success will quickly follow!

Happy Selling!

Talk to Joe Chatbox