One of our best assets and our greatest selling points is our sales people. When a company comes to us to outsource their sales force, we always have them come in to our offices to meet our sales people. They are the true heroes of our outsourcing sales business. So, with no further ado – here is an interview with one of our own:
Q: What do you think is great about working for a sales outsourcing company?
I have always thought sales was where it is at, so I knew right out of college that I had to get a sales job to get where I wanted to go. Working for an outsourced sales company has given me such incredible exposure to so many different industries, it’s a wonderful thing. In addition, I am not just an “outsourced sales person” – I am a partner with my client. We speak every week (sometimes daily) and I feel completely aligned with them. This ability to be ‘connected at the hip’ as we like to say is key. I have grown my clients business considerably and I don’t think I would have this much impact if I wasn’t at an outsourced sales company.
Q: What is your day to day activity?
Because I am in sales I sort of run my own business. The sales management here is wonderful, they are very accessible and yet not micromanagers. However, they do provide a lot of structure. I arrive every day at 8 am sharp. Cannot be late here! The salesforce has a short meeting to get the day started and then I hit the phones. I make about 150 cold calls each day and my goal is to set appointments for a web demonstration, which then begins the ball rolling to close a deal. My goal is to set 4 demonstrations a day, and run 2 – but I always shoot for double that. When you are an outsourced sales partner you have to not only meet expectations – but exceed them. That is exactly what I as a sales person aim to do. It is why I am successful.
Q: What do you think are the top 4 keys to success in sales?
There are so many factors that play into outsourced sales success and running a successful sales campaign – but here, we believe that there are 4 elements that are critical to sales success and running a successful sales campaign. They are:
- Product knowledge – you must be an expert.
- Ask great questions – if you ask the right probing questions, the conversation can go right where you want it
- Listen – oftentimes my prospects will tell me exactly what they want. When I started out I was so over zealous I would talk like crazy. Thanks to my great sales managers I have learned to shut up and listen more. And the last aspect is
- Positive attitude – this one is the most important. What I do is hard, and it is not for the faint of heart! Cold calling 150-200 people a day is tough and I get a lot of rejection. Activity is KEY. But that is the nature of sales. It’s a numbers game and as long as I show up every day, with a great attitude and my “game face” I am good to go!
Sales outsourcing does not equal telemarketing. We employ articulate, excited, passionate sales professionals for you. We train them, we mold them and we provide an excellent place to grow a thriving sales partnership. Want to see for yourself? Come on over and shake a few of our outsourced sales representatives hands – they will win you over instantly!
Let us show you just how professional a Sales Outsourcing Company can be!
Happy selling!