You already know what your customers may not: you’ve got a great product. If you’ve noticed inconsistencies in your cash flow (too much money going out and not enough coming in), then you should reevaluate your processes and ask yourself, why aren’t more customers buying? There could be dozens of factors at play, but here are five particular reasons why your customers may not be buying:
- You have a poorly designed shopping cart. If part of your business model requires your customers to purchase online, then you need to make sure you’ve simplified that process as much as possible. Re-evaluate your check-out procedures, make sure a customer can move seamlessly throughout each step and make it easy for them to edit their shopping cart when necessary. If your online shopping portal is work to use, you can bet your customers will go elsewhere.
- Your website doesn’t show up well in search results. It doesn’t matter how great your website or product is if no one can find it. Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a necessity for most businesses. Whether you outsource or keep it in house, make sure you have a team behind you who can help boost your website’s reputation with Google, Bing, and other popular search engines.
- Your customers view your product or service as a loss, not a gain: If your customers think they’re giving more than they’re receiving, you can bet they’re going to walk away from your product or service. Make sure your product(s) are competitively priced and that your most realistic customer base is actually interested. If not, consider re-working your pricing strategy, your customer goals, or both.
- Your customer service isn’t top-notch: Bad customer service will lose you potential repeat customers and could even lead to would-be customers backing out over bad reviews they read online. Strive to create a customer service experience that other companies would envy. Make sure you have a large enough customer service team available. If an angry customer has to wait or just doesn’t feel valued by your company, they probably won’t be back.
- Selling isn’t high enough on your priority list. At Acquirent, we work with a number of companies who don’t have the time or bandwidth to give their sales processes the attention they deserve. Selling should be a top priority for any business, and if you find your business needs more time to devote to other ventures, let our outsourced sales reps in Chicago whip your sales into shape.
For more tips and tricks on how to get your customers to buy, reach out to your friends here at Acquirent. We make selling easy by streamlining your processes and ramping up your sales funnel. Contact us today to learn how.
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