Good salespeople talk a big game, but being convincing in an interview doesn’t always equate to sales success – what does it take to be the best outsourced SDR?
We’ve been in the business for nearly two decades, and in that time, we’ve seen salespeople develop at all skill levels. While it takes a bit of inert talent, we’ve found that the belief that all outsourced SDRs need to be extroverts is a false assumption. Many of our top performers go against the mold, and thrive in situations where your average salesperson would fail.
What characteristics and traits do we look for in the best outsourced SDR, and how can your company take advantage of sales development representatives to generate new business? Read on, as we explore traits in the best salesperson.
The Best Outsourced SDR Has a Fire for Deals
You’ll hear a lot about how sales companies look for a hunger in salespeople that they hire. It’s true that salespeople need to be naturally driven to achieve success. Companies aren’t looking to hire people who clock in and out, but yearn for success.
We describe this as the fire that drives sales success, as opposed to hunger. Hunger is something that can be sated – a fire can continue to be fed fuel and burns brighter and brighter with each close.
When looking at salespeople, we are concerned with their motivations for success. A giddy salesperson can talk their way into deals that others cannot, but these salespeople can also come across as desperate. An outsourced SDR’s primary concern is generating qualified leads, and they will often be the first impression a business gets of your company. A reserved salesperson who is apt at navigating social situations can calmly explain the value of what they are trying to sell, and can give much better impressions when they push a qualified lead onto your desk.
It takes all kinds of SDRs to get the results that you’re looking for. That’s why we train people across the board to develop a wide roster of sales talent, and select salespeople specifically for their aptitude and abilities for each account that they work with. Salespeople are motivated by a variety of interests: the best SDR has a fire for your account.
The Best Outsourced SDR Speaks to Your Customer’s Voice
Companies that you call in on need to be able to connect with you. Outsourcing SDRs out of the country has become a popular choice for many companies, but the results are often lackluster. In truth, the price difference between outsourcing out of the states and finding American sales talent is often negligible.
Many outsourced lead generation companies rely on outsourced sales talent from different countries to achieve their goals. While there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this strategy, things can often get lost in translation. An SDR needs to quickly win over a client and secure an appointment. Familiarity with local gestures and idioms helps cement this.
Our strategy has always been to hire within the states, while offering competitive rates that meet the needs of our client’s budget.
First impressions matter – a qualified lead sets the groundwork for the rest of a sales relationship. Our team is a diverse group drawn directly from Chicago, Evanston, and the surrounding areas.
Outsourced SDR Services Need to Handle Rejection
Getting shut down is tough – the work of an SDR, no matter how convincing, involves hearing the word “no” all day long. The best outsourced SDR sales talent needs to get used to this while maintaining a positive attitude.
“Grit” and “positivity” are two of the pillars of sales success that we strive for here at Acquirent. We understand that sales is a tough job, and the only way around it is through it. Our community of salespeople is a positive feedback loop. We take joy in our successes and learn from our failures. The only way to fail completely in sales is to give up. We never surrender.
Grit, positivity, social aptitude, and fire – these are just a few of the building blocks of a great salesperson. What more does it take? Contact us today to learn about how Acquirent has been providing outsourced sales solutions for nearly twenty years – and we’re just getting started!