Should Your Business Be On Instagram?

We’ve spent time on this blog discussing which of the 9,000 social media platforms you and your business should be using to engage with your customers and connect with new ones. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all have some pretty obvious benefits for businesses that take advantage of them, but what about Instagram?

Sure, you may have a personal account to share vacation photos and document that delicious meal you had on your last date night, but have you ever given real thought to getting your business on it? Instagram can be a very cool—and rewarding—way to engage with your fans, but here are a few tips to keep in mind if you’re going to use it.

People want “real” photos. A large part of the appeal of Instagram is that, thanks to its simplicity, it allows anyone to be an artist. Users get to share the beauty of their everyday lives, and they’ll expect the same from businesses that they follow. Don’t simply share your latest ad—instead, showcase authentic pictures that reflects your brand’s everyday experience. This could mean sharing a picture of your product actually being used, or showing off a human side of your brand by sharing photos of your employees at a social or charity event. Just keep it real!

Find your voice. Instagram is a great way to show off your brand in a way that might not be captured by advertisements or other mediums. Get creative, and find ways to show off what people love about your brand and what makes you unique.

Use Analytics. Of course, just because Instagram is fun and creative doesn’t mean you can use some hard numbers and data to optimize your reach. There are a number of tools out there, like Iconosquare and TOTEMS, so take advantage of them and figure out what your fans really love.

Instagram might not be the right fit for every business, but for those that choose to use it, it can be a great way to engage your fans in a unique and meaningful way. And Instagram might be a great fit at the launch of your business but then might not be a feasible social media channel by your one year anniversary. Social media choices can be revisited over time and are not set in stone, ever. Be flexible, be open and be social!

Check back on the blog often for more tips from the outsourced sales experts here at Acquirent!

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