Although sometimes overlooked as a part of a productive marketing strategy, a cold b2b email is a fantastic and effective way to share information about your business with new prospects. In short, cold emailing is very similar to cold calling, and entails sending unsolicited emails to prospects in hopes that they will be receptive to your communication and interested in your product. Because there’s no previously established correspondence with the client, cold emailing requires patience, dedication, and consistency in order to be a viable lead generation technique.
Sending an email is simple enough, but successful cold emailing is all about crafting the best content to suit your prospects’ needs. Here are our top tips on how to make your cold b2b emails accessible, informative, and compelling.
Why Send a Cold B2B Email?
Cold emailing is a relatively cost-effective, no-frills form of marketing and brand awareness. Since sending an email is easy and accessible to any business, it’s a great way to spread the word about your brand and reach new customers whether you’re starting a new company or are part of a well-established business.
For extra effective cold emailing we recommend prioritizing personalization and fostering meaningful connections with your prospects. It may be unreasonable for you to hand-draft unique emails for every customer, but creating a comprehensive template that allows for easy personalization will help you reach a wide audience while maintaining a personal tone.
How to Write an Effective Cold B2B Email
Well-written emails should intrigue a prospect and catch their attention. The aim is to entice your prospect to engage with your product, and to start a conversation. Decision makers often receive hundreds of emails every day, many of which are unsolicited, so crafting a memorable and snappy email is paramount if you’re going to make a lasting impression.
Start with a Punchy Subject Line
Subject lines that are overly wordy or predictable are sure to get lost in the tide of unread emails. A subject line should be short, snappy, and to the point. Consider posing the subject line as a question to spark your prospects’ interest. The aim of a well-written subject line should be to peak your prospects’ curiosity, and result in further engagement with your product. Keep in mind that long subject lines may get cut-off on mobile displays.
Don’t Overexplain
The secret to writing a good movie or play is to leave the audience wanting more. This applies to cold emails too. Avoid prosaic, lengthy, and overly-informative emails. Remember, you don’t need to expound on every small aspect of your product. If a prospect needs to discover a detail about your company, they can visit your website. Emails should be concise, while providing prospects with enough essential information to give them a sense of your company’s values.
Focus on Providing a Personalized Experience
There’s no denying that personalized emails are the best way to capture a prospect’s attention. However, custom emails do require more research and take more time to write. If you decide to implement a more personal approach, it’s essential to maintain a balance between conducting research and sending a high volume of emails. Sending personalized emails only works if you’ve established a reliable template that can be customized for each prospect.
Avoid Long Paragraphs
Emails that are long, wordy, and dense will definitely deter readers from engaging with your content. To help your readers retain more information, emails should be short, with plenty of paragraph breaks.
We recommend paying attention to “white space” on the page. If your email is all one giant text block, it’s intimidating and may discourage your reader from diving in. Paragraph breaks give an email breathing-room and allow a reader to quickly scan the document for any relevant links or key selling points.
Include Emojis and GIFs
If you’re angling for a more approachable tone, don’t be afraid to use some choice emojis in the body of your email. Emojis and GIFs add sparkles of personality to your content, and illustrate your points while adding fun and whimsy to the correspondence.
Follow Up
Following-up after an email correspondence is an essential way to maintain connections with prospective clients. Remember, it often takes sales reps up to 5 follow-up emails with a prospect before they get a response. Don’t be deterred if you don’t receive a response right away, just keep the communication conversational, helpful, and genuine.
Developing Your Cold Email Strategy with Acquirent
At Acquirent, we work with companies across the country to develop sales, manage marketing, and build effective teams. From lead generation, to comprehensive employee training, Acquirent’s team of professional SDRs is dedicated to finding the right tools to expand your business and reach your long-term goals.
Looking for new marketing techniques? Hoping to refine your existing strategies? At Acquirent, our enthusiasm, professionalism, and innovation will help you expand your business and reach a wider audience than ever before.