August Blog Roundup: Career Dont’s

The Undercover Recruiter (@UndercoverRec) “Top 10 Craziest LinkedIn Job Titles”

We’ve all daydreamed about what we would call ourselves if we could come up with our own job titles. Some people don’t just daydream… they make it happen. Here is a list of the 10 most peculiar job titles on LinkedIn.

  • Digital Overlord
  • Creator of Happiness
  • Retail Jedi Wizard of Light Bulb Moments
  • Dream Alchemist
  • Chief Chatter
  • Change Magician
  • Accounting Ninja
  • Chief Biscuit Dunker
  • Direct Mail Demi-God

Ramit Sethi (@YSmallBusiness) “Never Say These Five Things in a Job Interview”

Ramit tells it like it is. Some people are just plain bad at interviewing, and it shows. Ramit offers up 5 of the least effective types of interview responses, along with tips on how to respond more intelligently.

  • “I just sort of… and then… and like… and uh… yeah.”
  • “Yeah, I helped out with that but it wasn’t just me.”
  • “I left my last job because I didn’t really get along with my boss.”
  • “I work too hard.”
  • “I made 40K at my last job, so I’m really looking for something more like 50K. But you know…I’ll be willing to take 45K too.”

Alison Green (@askamanager) “10 Tips to Avoid Bombing Your Skype Interview”

The world is changing, and so are the methods of interviewing. As Skype interviews become more and more commonplace, job seekers should be aware of these 10 tips to cover their you-know-whats and come across as professionally as possible.

  • Do a trial run a few days before the real interview, with a friend on the other end to give you feedback.
  • Pay attention to your physical background.
  • Pay attention to the lighting.
  • Keep other programs on your computer closed, especially if they might make noise during the call.
  • Position yourself correctly.
  • Use the highest-speed Internet connection you can.
  • Remember to look into the camera, not at the picture.
  • If you find the image of yourself distracting, cover it.
  • Plan for technological difficulties.
  • Don’t hesitate to tell your interviewer up front that this is your first time doing a video interview.
Talk to Joe Chatbox