October Blog Roundup: Interviewing Advice

Interviewing for jobs these days has evolved into a process quite different from the way your parents applied for their jobs. While you can find a strong foundation in classic, sound advice, a new generation of employees brings its own dilemmas. We’ve found and gathered some exceptional advice on acing that interview.

CareerealismBest Advice for an Interview – (@careerealism)

Susan Ruhl answers the question: “What advice do you have for an interview?” She offers up four different skills you have to hone before stepping into an interview process. Doing your homework on your potential employer is one important step in preparing. Delve more into learning about the company past a simple google search. You can also learn much more about a company’s culture from their Twitter and Facebook presence.

– “Do your homework! Know the company that you are interviewing with, know the culture, the history, and any information you can find on the interviewer.”

HuffPost Business – 7 Deadly Skype Interview Sins – (@HuffingtonPost)

More and more businesses are using Skype as way to interview potential hires. Ming Chen writes: “The Skype video interview is now firmly part of the job application process.” She continues to list down essential tips to make the most out of this step in the interview process. There are technical to social skills to contend with Skype as well as the appearance of a well kept room.

– “While most employers are forgiving, they are also pressed for time. Do a technical check before you interview.”
– “During an interview, employers are trying to answer the question, “Is this person right for this company?” That means you shouldn’t be asking ‘What’s in it for me?’”
– “Consider your background and the lighting. Make sure your room is clean and uncluttered. One candidate I interviewed wore sweatpants and an XXL t-shirt.”

The GuardianHow to answer weird interview questions – (@Guardian)

Another popular trend in interviewing is asking the weird, obscure question. If you know that it may potentially be there, it won’t easily catch you off guard. Just take your time to think about the question and why they might be asking it:

– How can it relate to the company or the role?
– Is it a chance to show off your mathematical ability, lateral thinking or engineering know-how?
– Is it just there to test your personality and creativity?

Apply a reasonable rationale to your answer and that weird and wacky question makes much more sense. So with all this advice you’ll be able to get through that interview with flying colors!

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