Why Ongoing Training is Essential to Success

Individuals and organizations that make a commitment to continuous improvement in their people, process, and product are more likely to out-perform their competitors and colleagues. The reason for this is simple; improving on quality, quantity, and efficiency has a direct correlation to employee effectiveness which directly affects a company’s bottom line. Ongoing training is perfect for individuals and companies that need to get more done with less and increase revenues without growing headcount. Ongoing training and continuous improvement allows people and companies to “work smarter, not harder”.

Take a look at this simple equation: Skills + Effort = Results

If you want twice the results and are already working as hard as you can, the only real chance you have to achieve that goal is by improving your skills. And the only way to improve skills is through ongoing training.

There is another variable to consider in this equation and that is Skills Erosion. Over time if an individual does not continuously work towards getting better, their skillset will actually get worse. This type of phenomena is especially prevalent during a recession where companies cut training programs to reduce operating costs and their quality and reliability suffers.

Even experts in their fields or people at the top of their game are only experts in their fields and outstanding among their peers if they are constantly learning, training, and evolving. Imagine a rookie drafted straight out high school into the NBA. How long would this star continue to shine without ongoing training and continuous improvement?

Let’s take another look at our new equation: (Skills + Effort) – Skill Erosion = Results

The point of this example is that if you are not getting the results you used to get, it’s time to start asking yourself if you are committed to continuous improvement and ongoing training and how those variables are impacting your results.

Acquirent has a 12 week Sales Fundamentals Series that runs every quarter. This series is perfect for people entering the workforce or starting their sales career. The series helps people refine their sales skills, enabling them to focus on sales topics such as the pitch and overcoming objections as well as soft skills such as attitude, grit, and time management.

If you are an employee, jump at any chance to take advantage of the trainings your company provides and learn how to “work smarter, not harder”. If you are an organization trying to grow revenue, it’s time to consider alternatives to growing headcount and instead focus on impacting the skillset of the people you already employ.

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