Baseball player pitching ball

What Do Baseball and Sales Have in Common?

With Major League Baseball in full swing (no pun intended), it’s only fitting to draw some analogies between baseball and sales. If you have read any of my posts in the past, then you know that I am not only a huge sports fan, but I also attribute much of the success in my life to sports.

Many key life lessons were learned while in practice, on the mat/track/field, or in competition. Sports have been a key part of my life, and the following is a list of similarities I see in baseball and in sales:[/fusion_text][/two_third][fusion_text]


Just like in baseball—and sports in general—you have a great chance of success if you know your opponents’ weaknesses and develop a game plan to attack them. In sales it’s no different! In sales your probability of success is far greater if you truly understand your prospects’ business and their common issues. The best sales professionals have a game plan going into every call and meeting making the most of every opportunity.


Hank Aaron is in the Hall of Fame with a career batting average of .305 and 1.383 strikeouts. He got a hit in one out of three plate appearances. Just like in baseball, playing the numbers in sales is crucial. You are going to strike out often and you will not get on base (let alone hit a home run) on every meeting or call. Just keep getting up to the plate and taking swings!


Every coach worth his salt teaches his players to leg it out on a pop fly. Likewise, it’s key to give your all on every play/call as you never know what will happen. Even if have made 70 calls and haven’t set one appointment, you need to “bring it” on every call, as you never know when your next opportunity will present itself.


This seems silly to say, but most sales professionals never practice! Before every game, it is not a coincidence that ball players get tons of batting practice. Even the top baseball players know that they need to continue to tune their swings in order to get the greatest results. The same goes for our sales skills. Successful sales professionals constantly rehearse objection rebuttals, practice leaving a voicemail, and write and rewrite their talk tracks in efforts to achieving the greatest result: a closed sale.

I hope these tips help as you continue to strive for sales excellence. Enjoy your summer and Happy Selling![/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

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