Man pointing his camera in the frame

Use Video to Sell More

Video in sales is one of 2018’s biggest trends, and for good reason.  Video can be used across all portions of the sales cycle from prospecting to account management, and is a valuable tool to have in any sales person’s arsenal.

Let’s start with the facts

  1. Reps that use video in their prospecting, relationship-building, and sales emails receive 5x the open rates and an 8x higher rate of reply!
  2. According to Forbes Insights – 60% of business respondents will watch a video before reading any text
  3. Adding the word ‘video’ to your email subject line increases open rates between 7% – 13%.
  4. Emails with videos have been shown to have a 200% – 300% improvement in click-through rates
  5. Prospects who view videos of a product are 85% more likely to buy. – Internet Retailer
  6. 75% of late-stage prospects that receive a personalized video closed. – SalesLoft
  7. 65% of executives have visited a vendor’s site after watching a video. – Forbes
  8. 51% of executives under 40 reported making a purchase decision after watching a video. – Forbes

The science behind it

Video helps a sales person stand out and create a meaningful connection with their prospect.  “Humans are psychologically hard-wired to respond to movement, the pitch of voices, and body language.” Michael Litt, CEO of Vidyard

Video is the next best thing to face to face interaction, which is the most powerful form of communication according to The Media Richness theory developed by Richard L. Draft and Robert H. Lengel.

Thanks to mirror neurons, whatever emotion you display in your video, the prospect is likely to experience similar emotions on some level.

When to use it

Prospecting – There are a few different ways to use video when prospecting. You can send marketing content such as product demo videos, or record your own initial greetings. CRM and Browser integration tools make creating and sending videos via email incredibly easing and no more time consuming.

Follow Ups – Send personalized thank you videos after a demo.  It doesn’t need to be professional quality video. A simple video shot on your webcam or cell phone can be shared through your CRM (Saleforce Chatter).

Relationship-Building – Video is a powerful tool for account management, when your customer is no longer a prospect but you don’t want to fall off of their radar. Sharing a simple hello video, marketing video, or even an interesting video you found on the web are all way to keep in touch with your client. Just make sure the content is RELEVANT and encourage a response from your customer.


Heather Appleman
New Media Manager, Acquirent


  1. MacMaster, K. (n.d.). 10 Creative Ways to Improve Prospecting and Sales Emails with Video. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from
  2. Ebert, E. (2017, October 27). How to Use Video to Close More Deals. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from
  3. Spenceley, J. (2017, January 17). How to Use Video to Close More Deals. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from
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