Top 5 Tips on Managing Your Online Brand

As this “internet” thing seems to be sticking around, sales professionals are finding that prospects are doing much of their research for potential products, services and who they want to do business with online. That said it is now more critical than ever for sales professionals to take the time to create and maintain their online brand. The following are a couple tips on how to do so:

  • Define your Goals – What do you want to accomplish by building this brand? If you are in sales, I believe you want to show that you are an industry expert, knowledgeable, reliable, etc. The key is to define these goals early so you can keep them in mind as you build out your online brand and messages.
  • Build a “Game Plan” – Now that the goals are defined, start working on the “game plan.” Just like a football coach, when your goals are established then the next step is to install the game plan to ensure his team is prepared for their next opponent. The team is you and the opponents are your prospects (and eventually next clients).
  • Pick the right Channels – Not all social channels are created equally and not every social media outlet is appropriate for business. It seems like every day a new cool social media channel pops up. How do you decide which channels you should be spending your time on? Refer back to step one….What are your goals? Knowing that they are professional goals you are after: pick the channels that are best for business. LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube are the predominant professional/business channels today.
  • Execute the Game Plan – Now that the goals are defined, the game plan is built and you have identified the appropriate channels to work with, the next logical step is to execute the plan.
    Key tips include:

    • Have a Professional Profile Picture – please no “selfies.” Prospects want to put a face with a name so make sure their first impression of you is a professional one.
    • Write a Great Bio – write about how you help your customers with certain problems. Don’t write about your sales accomplishments. Prospects don’t want to be another notch on the belt, they want to work with someone who understands their issues and can solve their issues.
    • Include Videos – there is a reason why YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world next to Google. People love videos! Record one that is professional, short and to the point on how you can help.
  • Maintain it/Keep it Fresh – If you’re going to invest time in these channels, the key is to keep things fresh and continue to be active. Post or comment on information that you feel your prospects and clients will find relevant and helpful. Articles about what is happening in the industry, videos and infographics are all great pieces of content to share as your prospects will appreciate them.

These are a couple tips on how to establish an online brand that will differentiate you from your competition and help you attract more prospects and eventually close more business.

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