Tips to Get the Most of Your Company Blog

There are many reasons to keep a company blog—it allows you to share your industry expertise, ensures your website is relevant and up-to-date, and helps spark conversation about your company. Obviously, all of us here at Acquirent clearly think a blog is pretty useful! That being said, just uploading some content every now and then isn’t going to get you any results—a successful blog takes planning and work. Here are a couple tips our outsourced sales experts have put together to help you get the most out of your blog.

  • Know Your Audience – Take some time to think about who buys your product—or who you want to buy your product—and write with them in mind. Consider what kind of voice you want your blog to have, and pay special consideration to the technical knowledge they’re likely to have. You don’t want to alienate readers with technical jargon.
  • Ditch Your Motives – We outlined a bunch of benefits a blog has for your company, but keep in mind that your readers don’t care about any of that. If you focus too much on the results, and not on the product, it’ll bleed through and you’ll lose your readers. You readers will stick around if the content is interesting and allows them a chance to learn something, so write as if you were having a conversation with another professional or mentoring a younger team member.
  • Keep it brief – You readers likely aren’t interested in reading long-form musings on life’s biggest questions. Keep in mind the fast-paced world we live in, and keep your posts to fewer than 1,000 words. If you can’t, simply break the post into multiple installments. You’ll keep your readers coming back for more!
  • Use SEO tactics – SEO is key to attracting readers to your blog, and for directing them to your main site. Incorporating SEO into your blog posts is easy, and gets results!

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