From Candidate to Team Member

Everyone in the job market has experienced it. You’re listed as a candidate. This title implies that you are an option for a company to consider as a potential team member. Like a baseball player grinding away in the minor leagues­­, just looking for that shot to prove themselves in the majors. Then that day comes. You get the call. The employer extends an offer, you agree to the terms, and then eagerly await your first day on the job. Now, you’re transitioning from candidate to employee, or, as we call it here at Acquirent, a Team Member.

As a part of the recruitment team at Acquirent for the last three years, I have personally helped transition many fine sales candidates to full-fledged team members. Here are a few tips to help any individual make that transition smoothly, no matter what type of organization he or she is hired by.

Show up early on your first day…and those that follow.
In doing so you are setting the tone early within your organization that you are an individual that is dedicated, enthusiastic, and dependable, who will make significant contributions to the organization.

Size up your audience and ID key team members.
Like a politician playing to the crowd and changing their messages based on the audience they are speaking to. You want to get a visual and understanding of the type of audience you will be working with and for. Understanding your audience early can pay off in dividends later—resulting in a smooth transition over time.

Ask questions…good questions!
Yes, this is one of the key pillars we subscribe to here at Acquirent but it rings true no matter what type of environment you work in. If you’re not able to ask good questions early on, you can start your new employment behind the 8 Ball and spend a lot of time playing catch up.

Familiarize yourself with others’ behaviors.
I’m a student of behavior. I love observing and learning from others through their behavior. My education and interests are in Psychology so it makes sense. But what I’ve learned from recruiting is that individuals will adjust their work behaviors based on their environment and which coworkers they surround themselves with. If you want to be engaged at work and achieve specific goals, familiarize yourself with those who are acting and working in the way you want to be. No need to change who you are, but small changes in behaviors can make a significant impact on both your and the organization’s productivity.

Be yourself.
This may seem contradictory to my previous point, but hear me out. There is a big difference between changing who you are and changing how you act. Changing your behavior is both positive and achievable. Changing the core of who you are is another thing entirely, that can have an adverse effect. Be true to your values and don’t be afraid to show those to your new “family” that is your employer. Just do so with respect and professionalism.

Setting a tone and making yourself visible early on in a new position and organization is crucial in transitioning smoothly from a viable candidate to a successful and valued team member.

Happy job hunting!


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