Building Leadership in a Hybrid Work Environment 

In the post-pandemic world, hybrid work environments are becoming increasingly common. Instead of requiring employees to come into the office, hybrid environments are a blend of in-person and remote workers. Businesses that adopt a hybrid work environment prioritize employee flexibility while still maintaining vital in-person operations. 

Because a hybrid work environment requires remote and in-person workers to collaborate, leaders need to adapt their strategies to form an inclusive company culture for in-person and remote workers alike. Wondering how to adapt leadership strategies to fit a hybrid work model? Here are our tips on how to encourage leadership in a hybrid work environment.

Set Company-wide Goals and Policies

A strong team starts with shared goals and clear expectations. Start everyone out on the same page by emphasizing universal goals and company-wide initiatives. Workers who feel united toward a common objective will be more likely to take initiative and collaborate to reach their goals. 

Similarly, employees should be clear about company policies and expectations. When everyone is on the same page, you don’t need to worry about accidentally setting a double standard for some workers or letting other expectations slip through the cracks. Clarity is key. 

Avoid Micromanaging 

It’s tempting to micromanage workers when everyone is clocking in from different locations. For example, allocating tasks to in-person employees may feel more natural since you have direct contact and can monitor their work. On the other hand, assigning tasks to remote workers may feel risky or stressful since they aren’t physically present. Remember, remote workers are equally capable of handling their responsibilities, so beware of hovering or constantly checking in on their progress. 

The best way to avoid the pitfalls of micromanaging is to encourage an environment of trust. Hold employees accountable for their work, and emphasize a team-oriented approach to daily tasks. 

Implement Consistent Routines 

Don’t underestimate the power of a consistent routine. Remote and in-person workers will feel united if they know when to expect weekly meetings, check-ins, and teambuilding events. Time-management systems help employees track upcoming deadlines and check progress on collaborative projects. 

Remember, routinely doesn’t need to imply a lack of flexibility. After all, hybrid workplaces thrive on employee flexibility and freedom! Instead, think of routines as touchstones throughout the week that hold employees accountable and impose a sense of overarching structure. 

Be Flexible 

As previously stated, flexibility doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of routine and vice-versa. You can still hold regular Tuesday morning meetings while allowing variable work hours from flexible locations. Employees are accustomed to a new sense of freedom when it comes to workplace requirements, and embracing a more flexible culture will instill a sense of accountability and self-motivation. 

Facilitate Teambuilding activities

Hybrid workforces require special emphasis on team building and collaboration. Since some employees are tuning in via video chat, it’s easy for workers to feel alienated from their peers. To combat the in-person/remote worker split, here are a few teambuilding strategies:

  • Hold weekly meetings where all employees are present. Use a video projector to include remote workers in the conversation. Make sure everyone has the chance to voice ideas, concerns, or questions.
  • Even the playing field by hosting remote social events like trivia night or happy hour. Encourage all employees, including regular in-person workers, to attend remotely and get to know one another.
  • If workers have the option of working remotely but are all based in the same area, hold in-person events or retreats so employees have a chance to form bonds and spend time together even if they prefer working from home.

Prioritize Communication

At the end of the day, effective leadership in hybrid work environments is built on communication. An instantaneous and accessible way to communicate is vital for any business adopting a hybrid work model. Communication software like private chat servers and video call platforms provide workers with the tools they need to foster collaboration and a cohesive work environment. Make sure messaging tools are available to everyone, whether remote or in-person, so everyone has the chance to contribute ideas, advice, and insights. 

Collaborate with an Outsourced Development Company 

Instead of shouldering all the responsibility by yourself, collaborate with a sales development company to enhance your team. At Acquirent, our professional sales development reps provide services in recruitment, training, and team management. Supporting an effective sales team is an ongoing project. At Acquirent we combine tried-and-true strategies with cutting-edge techniques to foster an environment that values continuous learning. 

Contact us today to get your free quote!