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Blog Highlights: Rethinking Your Sales and Marketing

If you see a slump in your sales numbers, or aren’t getting the kind of outreach that you are looking for, consider rethinking your sales and marketing efforts. Too often we fall into habit, and develop unproductive strategies for handling calls. This is only human. While these slumps can be very common, having strategies to counter them is essential for your success.

This kind of retooling can take many different forms. Our experience in outsourced sales have yielded some powerful results. Below are some of our best articles highlighting how to optimize your marketing efforts and sales techniques. Although these can work for individuals, it is best to be proactive and apply these for your entire company.

Is SEO Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

More and more companies are utilizing the benefits of SEO to draw the maximum number of customers through Google searches. This article is an introduction to the benefits of search engine optimization in the effort of rethinking your sales and marketing.

Regardless of the type of business you are running, it is important to consider the customers’ funnel stage intent.  The four stages of audience intent dictate how digital properties should be organized, packaged and marketed.  A page can be purposed for awareness, consideration, comparison, purchase or some combination of these stages. It is important in SEO to create relevant content for each of these stages, to help ensure there are few gaps in this customer journey. One thing that separates effective content from less effective content is the integration of intent.  Whether you are creating blog pages, paid media, PR, videos or social media content, matching customer intent for each of these stages is key.  Doing this helps drive qualified traffic and ultimately increase conversions on your site.

Rethinking Your Sales Process

Periodically re-evaluating your sales process is beneficial for any top salesperson. When you’ve been selling the same product for awhile, you learn what works and what doesn’t to close a deal. In this article, we discuss the benefits and techniques of optimizing your sales process.

Continuous improvement is based upon the four principles of identification, planning, execution, and review. While this is normally applied to companies at large, you can implement it on an individual scale as well to maximize your results. It makes your sales style agile and adaptable to changes that might occur in the market, and keeps you in peak performance. It can also be extremely beneficial for performance reviews. Bringing up a spreadsheet with numbers on your own metrics, and explaining how you made changes to improve on those numbers, is a great way to show off your skill and your sense of self-management. With a little coaching from a mentor, it provides the foundation for sales greatness.

The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media

Although social media is so intrinsic to our lives, people often don’t know how to implement it. Our guide will teach you the basics, and also show you what to avoid along the way. This article explores Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, often considered the major social media players today.

There are plenty of ways to tap into the power of social media to advertise your brand or target customers for sales, but not all brands can be treated equally. Consider the product or service that you are looking to sell, the demographic you are looking to target, and the means that a demographic are willing to accept what you have to say. A misguided approach to social media can lead to disaster, but a clever approach will yield unprecedented results. Social technology is a powerful tool that can’t be taken lightly – think before you post!

Rethinking Distractions in the Workplace

Noticing a lull in your sales? The problem might be your phone. While taking breaks occasionally can benefit your process, this article breaks down when these distractions become too much, along with solutions to combat them.

Distractions are an increasingly common challenge to deal with in the workplace. Whether it be classic issues like bathroom and smoke breaks, or new distractions such as smartphones and the internet, these time-wasters prevent efficacy in work environments. It is difficult to propose an outright ban on cell phones, for instance, when so much of our life and needs require these devices. You can’t restrict the internet at a company that requires the internet to make sales, for instance, or a phone to call customers. Rather than altering behavior by restricting it, it is often wiser to combat these behaviors with reward systems.

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