Ace Your Phone Interview

Phone interviews have become more and more common in recent years. They’re an efficient way for companies to narrow down their applicant pool, giving them a chance to talk with candidates without committing the same amount of time as a formal, in-person interview. But many job seekers feel that they don’t give their best impression in a phone interview, saying it’s hard to make connections and get a “read” on the person you’re talking with.

At Acquirent, we know how important good phone communication skills are as we screen candidates before in-person interviews and we have clients who do the same. Below are several tips to help you ace a phone interview.

Have your documents ready

If your phone interview is just the first round of a longer process, you can expect to answer a lot of questions about your cover letter and resume—so have them handy! We suggest printing them out and having them in front of you, so you don’t have to switch between files on your computer. The less you’re at the mercy of technology, the better!

Make a cheat sheet

A lot of people only look at the difficulties of a phone interview—lacking body language cues, trouble hearing over the phone, etc.—but there are actually a number of definite advantages as well. Since you aren’t going to be in the same room as your interviewer, go ahead and make a cheat sheet! Jot down your research on the company, as well as a few talking points for questions you anticipate or aspects of your resume you want to highlight/address. Every little bit helps!

Get in the zone

Finally, get in the zone. A phone interview is a crucial part of the interview process; treat it like one. Be sure to prepare yourself and shower, groom, even put on your usual interview clothes to give yourself a psychological edge. Be sure to sit up straight, or, better yet, stand. You’ll feel more confident, and it will show in your voice.

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