5 Tips on Building a Small Business Sales Strategy

As a small business, you probably don’t have the resources to pursue sales the way a multi-national company would. That doesn’t mean you should give up—it just means you need to work smarter. Here are five tips for developing your small business sales strategy.

Define Your Market

Larger companies can afford to cast a big net and see what they catch. With limited resources, you need to tighten your focus and have a clear idea of what your target market is. You may generate less leads, but you’ll see more of them result in sales.

Focus On What Makes You Different

Your prospects probably get a bunch of sales calls each day from firms that—whether you like it or not—are probably pretty similar to yours. You’re going to have to stand out from the crowd if you want to seal the deal. In your pitch on presentation, make sure you let the prospect know why you’re different (and better!).

Know When to Cut and Run

Good salespeople know they won’t succeed every time. And while perseverance is important, you don’t have the resources to keep pursuing prospects that just don’t seem too interested. It’s not giving up—it’s playing smart.


Especially as a small business, one of the most important tools you have is word of mouth. A good or bad recommendation can make all the difference in your company’s trajectory, so when you make a sale make sure you deliver! The referrals from a satisfied customer could do more for you than your entire marketing and advertising budgets.


Sometimes, it just makes sense for small businesses to focus more on their product than sales. On the other hand, sales are one of the most important aspects of growing your business. That’s where outsourced sales can come in. By entrusting your sales to a company like Acquirent, you’re free to focus on the other aspects of your growing business. We have over a decade of sales experience, so give us a call!

At Acquirent, we consider ourselves to be sales experts, and these tips have gotten us far. If you’re looking for the very best in outsourced sales, look no further.

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