5 Sales Rebuttals to Overcome a Sales Objection

A sales objection is a normal part of the cold calling process. Prospects who are caught off-guard may not be ready to talk, or may not be the right person to field business transactions. Every season sales rep has dealt with hundreds of different objections from excuses about lack of time to genuine concerns about a product’s functionality.

But just because rejections are normal doesn’t mean they are easy to take. Sales reps are used to facing push-back, but endless objections are tiring over time. Dealing with sales objections takes practice and patience. Most successful reps have mapped out effective rebuttals for the most common sales objections so they have an answer at the ready.

Here are five sales rebuttals you need to know before your next cold call.

What is a Sales Objection and Sales Rebuttal?

A sales objection is a retort, question, excuse, or concern, voiced by a prospect as a means to shut-down a deal. Sales objections range from true concerns to flimsy excuses, but either way they pose a challenge during the sales pitch.

A sales rebuttal is the sales rep’s response to the objection. Well-formed rebuttals are thoughtful, demonstrate active listening, and make the client feel like their concern is respected. Crafting an effective rebuttal takes practice and skill.

#1 How to Handle the Phrase “I’m Not Interested”

Probably the most commonly used sales objection is as simple as “I’m not interested.” This response aims to stop the conversation in its tracks and doesn’t leave much room for the sales rep to recover.

“I’m not interested” usually stems from a lack of information or a misconception about your product or service. Respond to this kind of statement with a genuine question, like “what makes you not interested in this?” or “may I have a minute to explain the benefits my company has to offer?” Offer your prospect a clear and brief pitch of your product and see how they respond.

#2 What to Say When a Prospect Admits “I’m Not in Charge”

Another common excuse on sales calls is shirking responsibility. Prospects will frequently invoke their inability to make important decisions and try to blow you off with a quick “I’m not in charge” or “I’m not responsible for budget-related decisions.” Even if this is true, you can still turn the interaction into a productive conversation.

Start by asking if you could speak with a decision maker. Chances are, gatekeepers are trained to stop sales calls before they reach the decision maker, but it’s always worth a try. If this doesn’t work, see if you can connect with the decision maker via another platform like LinkedIn or through email. Sometimes, decision makers are more open to impromptu conversations over different platforms.

#3 The Expense Question

Budget is a legitimate reason why even the most enthusiastic prospects turn their back on an exciting opportunity. Unfortunately, budgetary concerns are often legitimate and difficult overcome. Try to discuss flexible payment options if applicable, and reassure your prospect that your product or service will be a positive investment in their future.

If a prospect mentions that they found a similar product for less money, talk to them about the specifications and qualities that make your product worth the extra amount. Hopefully, the value of your product will speak for itself and you’ll be able to convince your prospect to make an investment.

#4 How to Respond to a Sales Objection about Specialized Features

Some objections are really just pleas for specialization and customization. Nowadays customers want every product to be specially made and customized to fit their exact needs.

Respond to customization concerns with interest, and offer the customizations you can. If a client is demanding services that are way above and beyond what your company is able to do, they may be best served to look elsewhere for their product.

#5 What if They Already Have a Provider?

Some clients may already have a solution similar to the one your company offers. Your goal in these cases is to demonstrate your company’s unique vision, quality, and standard for service in comparison to the competition. If that fails, continue to engage your prospect by asking about their current provider and don’t be discouraged. Remember that objection doesn’t mean rejection.

Overcome a Sales Objection and Find the Right Sales Leads

Get a head start on your sales interactions by finding the right sales leads before you make the call. Acquirent is an effective sales development service helping hundreds of companies find qualified leads. From sales team management to recruitment and training services, Aquirent’s team of professional development reps are there to help your sales team thrive. Contact us today to get started.

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